I have the problem that Expander > ContentTemplate >ListBox>ItemTemplate>DataTemplate>TextBox>Text I think the Binding code I write is really completed,
But When Run It Still shows the binding not work,
Besides if I move the ListBox XAML code out the Expander, the Binding works Smoothly,
So I guess maybe the ListBox Binding is concealed,
但是我網路上查察試了很多方法包括直接指定ElementName為Window的xName, 調RelativeSource的AncestorType到Window,亂試了一些TemplateBinding,卻都毫無效果,
But I search the Internet and try many way such as, Assign the ElementName as Window's xName, Set RelatieSource AncestorType to Window, and some other way,
still not work at all,
Finally I use This article's Title as keyword to search the Net And Find an article that solve my problem,
The Link is 文章連結是:
原來我在Expander後有寫Header="{Binding}" 但沒寫Content="{Binding}"所以ContentTemplate裡的東西無法綁定,寫上後就成功了
I Find it that in Expander I write the Header="{Binding}" but I don't write the Content="{Binding}", so things in the ContentTemplate cannot Binding,
When I write the Conrtent Binding behind the Expander, It succesfully Works.
Here is my XAML code
<TextBox Text ="{ Binding Path =Message,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>